1)    Habal MV, Miller AMI, Rao S, Lin S, Obradovic A, Khosravi-Maharlooei M, See SB, Roy P, Shihab R, Ho SH, Marboe CC, Naka Y, Takeda K, Restaino S, Han A, Mancini D, Givertz M, Madsen JC, Sykes M, Addonizio LJ, Farr MA, Zorn E. T cell repertoire analysis suggests a prominent bystander response in human cardiac allograft vasculopathy. Am J Transplant. 2020 Oct 5.

2)    Madley R, Nauman G, Danzl N, Borsotti C, Khosravi Maharlooei M, Li HW, Chavez E, Creusot RJ, Nakayama M, Roep B, Sykes M. Negative selection of human T cells recognizing a naturally-expressed tissue-restricted antigen in the human thymus. J Transl Autoimmun. 2020 Aug 9;3:100061.

3)    Attar A, Khosravi Maharlooei M, Nazarinia MA, Hosseini A, Bajalli Z, Moeini YS, Monabati A, Amirmoezi F, Jaberipour M, Habibagahi M. Expression Pattern of Telomerase Reverse Transcriptase (hTERT) Variants and Bcl-2 in Peripheral Lymphocytes of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Patients. Iran J Pathol. 2020 Summer;15(3):225-231.

4)    Haddadi MH, Negahdari B, Hajizadeh-Saffar E, Khosravi-Maharlooei M, Basiri M, Dabiri H, Baharvand H. Directed differentiation of regulatory T cells from naive T cells and prevention of their inflammation-mediated instability using small molecules. Clin Exp Immunol. 2020 Aug;201(2):205-221.

5)    Haddadi MH, Hajizadeh-Saffar E, Khosravi-Maharlooei M, Basiri M, Negahdari B, Baharvand H. Autoimmunity as a target for chimeric immune receptor therapy: A new vision to therapeutic potential. Blood Rev. 2020 May;41:100645.

6)    Khosravi-Maharlooei M, Hoelzl M, Li HW, Madley RC, Waffarn EE, Danzl NM, Sykes M. Rapid thymectomy of NSG mice to analyze the role of native and grafted thymi in humanized mice. Eur J Immunol. 2020 Jan;50(1):138-141.

7)    Haddadi MH, Hajizadeh-Saffar E, Khosravi-Maharlooei M, Basiri M, Negahdari B, Baharvand H. Autoimmunity as a target for chimeric immune receptor therapy: A new vision to therapeutic potential. Blood Rev. 2019 Nov 28:100645.

8)    Sekijima M, Sahara H, Shimizu A, Iwanaga T, Murokawa T, Ariyoshi Y, Pomposelli T, Khosravi Maharlooei M, Sykes M, Yamada K. Preparation of hybrid porcine thymus containing non-human primate thymic epithelial cells in miniature swine. Xenotransplantation. 2019 Nov;26(6):e12543.

9)    Nauman G, Borsotti C, Danzl N, Khosravi-Maharlooei M, Li HW, Chavez E, Stone S, Sykes M. Reduced positive selection of a human TCR in a swine thymus using a humanized mouse model for xenotolerance induction. Xenotransplantation. 2019 Sep 29:e12558.

10) Mohsen Khosravi-Maharlooei, Aleksandar Obradovic, Aditya Misra, Markus Holzl, Grace Nauman, Siu-hong Ho, Robert Winchester, Yufeng Shen, Megan Sykes. Selection for Public Crossreactive/Autoreactive TCR Sequences in the Human Thymic Repertoire. J Clin Invest. 2019 Mar 28;130:2446-2462.

11) Borsotti C, Danzl NM, Nauman G, Hölzl MA, French C, Chavez E, Khosravi-Maharlooei M, Glauzy S, Delmotte FR, Meffre E, Savage DG, Campbell SR, Goland R, Greenberg E, Bi J, Satwani P, Yang S, Bathon J, Winchester R, Sykes M. HSC extrinsic sex-related and intrinsic autoimmune disease-related human B-cell variation is recapitulated in humanized mice. Blood Adv. 2017 Oct 13;1(23):2007-2018.

12) Tan S, Li Y, Xia J, Jin CH, Hu Z, Duinkerken G, Li Y, Khosravi Maharlooei M, Chavez E, Nauman G, Danzl N, Nakayama M, Roep BO, Sykes M, Yang YG. Type 1 diabetes induction in humanized mice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2017 Oct 10;114(41):10954-10959.

13) Mohsen Khosravi-Maharlooei, MohammadReza Pakyari, Reza Jalili,  Ruhangiz T. Kilani, Aziz Ghahary. Intraperitoneal Injection of IDO-Expressing Dermal Fibroblasts Improves the Allograft Survival. Clinical Immunology. 174 (2017) 1–9.

14) Mohammad Reza Pakyari, Ali Farrokhi, Mohsen Khosravi Maharlooei, Ruhangiz T. Kilani, Aziz Ghahary and Erin Brown. A new method for skin grafting in murine model. Wound Repair and Regeneration. 2016 Jul;24(4):695-704.

15)  Khosravi-Maharlooei M, Pakyari M, Jalili RB, et al. Tolerogenic effect of mouse fibroblasts on dendritic cells. Immunology. 2016; 148(1):22-33.

16)  Zhang Y, Jalili RB, Kilani RT, Elizei SS, Farrokhi A, Khosravi-Maharlooei M, et al. IDO-Expressing Fibroblasts Protect Islet Beta Cells from Immunological Attack and Reverse Hyperglycemia in Non-Obese Diabetic Mice. Journal of cellular physiology. 2016; 231(9):1964-73.

17)  Jalili RB, Zhang Y, Hosseini-Tabatabaei A, Kilani RT, Khosravi Maharlooei M, et al. Fibroblast Cell-Based Therapy for Experimental Autoimmune Diabetes. PloS one. 2016; 11(1):e0146970.

18)  Khosravi-Maharlooei M, Hajizadeh-Saffar E, Tahamtani Y, Basiri M, Montazeri L, Khalooghi K, Kazemi Ashtiani M, Farrokhi A, Aghdami N, Sadr Hashemi Nejad A, Larijani MB, De Leu N, Heimberg H, Luo X, Baharvand H. Islet Transplantation for Type 1 Diabetes: So Close and Yet So Far away. Eur J Endocrinol. 2015 Nov, 173(5): R165-83.

19)  Parsanezhad ME, Attar A, Namavar-Jahromi B, Khoshkhou S, Khosravi-Maharlooei M, Monabati A, Habibagahi M. Changes in endothelial progenitor cell subsets in normal pregnancy compared with preeclampsia. J Chin Med Assoc. 2015 Jun;78(6):345-52.

20)  Eddy HC Wang, Mohsen Khosravi-Maharlooei, Reza Jalili, Richard Yu, Aziz Ghahary, Jerry Shapiro, Kevin J McElwee. Transfer of alopecia areata to C3H/HeJ mice using cultured lymph node derived cells. Journal of Investigative Dermatology 2015 Oct;135(10):2530-2.

21)  Mohsen Khosravi-Maharlooei, Mansooreh Jaberipour, Ahmad Hosseini Tashnizi , Armin Attar , Fatemeh Amirmoezi , Mojtaba Habibagahi. Expression pattern of alternative splicing variants of human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) in cancer cell lines was not associated with the origin of the cells. International Journal of Molecular and Cellular Medicine 2015 Spring;4(2):109-19.

22)  Hosseini-Tabatabaei A, Jalili RB, Khosravi-Maharlooei M, Hartwell R, Kilani RT, Zhang Y, Ghahary. (2015) Immunoprotection and Functional Improvement of Allogeneic Islets in Diabetic Mice, Using a Stable Indoleamine 2,3-Dioxygenase Producing Scaffold. Transplantation 2015 Jul;99(7):1341-8.

23)  Hadaegh Y, Niknam M, Attar A, Maharlooei MK, Tavangar MS, Aarabi AM, Monabati A. (2014) Characterization of stem cells from the pulp of unerupted third molar tooth. Indian J Dent Res. 25(1): 14-21.

24)  Mohammad Reza Pakyari, Ali Farrokhi, Mohsen Khosravi Maharlooei and Aziz Ghahary. (2013) Critical Role of TGF beta in Wound Healing and Inflammatory Responses. Advances in Wound Care, 2(5): 215-224.

25)  Attar A, Ghalyanchi Langeroudi A, Vassaghi A, Ahrari I, Maharlooei MK, Monabati A. (2013) Role of CD271 Enrichment in the Isolation of Mesenchymal Stromal Cells from Umbilical Cord Blood. Cell Biol Int. 37(9):1010-5.

26)  Atieh Vasaghi, Atefeh Dehghani, Zeinab Khademolhosseini, Mohsen Khosravi Maharlooei, Ahmad Monabati, Armin Attar. (2013) Parameters that influence the isolation of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells from human umbilical cord blood. Hematol Oncol Stem Cell Ther. 6(1): 1-8.

27)  Iman Ahrari, Armin Attar, Nima Pourhabibi Zarandi, Maryam Zakerinia, Mohsen Khosravi Maharlooei, Ahmad Monabati. (2013) CD271 enrichment does not help isolating mesenchymal stromal cells from G-CSF-mobilized peripheral blood. Molecular Biology; 47 (5): 685-691.

28)  Armin Attar, Mohsen Khosravi Maharlooi, Sara Khoshkhou, Ahmad Hosseini, Mansoureh Jaberipour, Arman Dehghan, Ahmad Monabati. (2013) Colony forming unit endothelial cells do not exhibit telomerase alternative splicing variants and activity. Iran. Biomed. J., 17(3):146-51.

29)  Ahrari I, Purhabibi Zarandi N, Khosravi Maharlooei M, Monabati A, Armin A, Ahrari S. (2013) Adipose Tissue Derived Multipotent Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Can Be Isolated Using Serum-free Media. Iran Red Cres Med J. 15(4): 324-329.

30)  Abdolvahab Alborzi, Gholam R. Pouladfar, Abdolkarim Ghadimi Moghadam, Armin Attar, Nima Drakhshan, Mohsen Khosravi Maharlooei, Mohsen Kalantari. (2013) First molecular-based detection of mucocutaneous leishmaniasis caused by Leishmania major in Iran. J Infect Dev Ctries. 7(5):413-416.

31)  Saeed Alborzi, Nasrin Asadi, Armin Attar, Mohsen Khosravi Maharlooei, and Soroush Alborzi. (2013) Management of an Abdominal Pregnancy by Laparoscopy: A Case Report and Review of the Literature. Journal of Minimally Invasive Surgical Sciences, 2(4), 67-9

32)  Mohamadi AA, Khosravi Maharlooei M, Ahrari I, Farsi A, Attar A, Monabati A. (2013) Comparison of intradermal injection of autologous epidermal cell suspension vs. spraying of these cells on dermo abraded surface of skin of patients with post-burn hypopigmentation. Indian J Dermatol., 58: 240.

33)  Mohsen Khosravi Maharlooei, Ali Farsi, Ali Akbar Mohammadi, Ahmad Monabbati, Armin Attar, Iman Ahrari. (2011) A Comparison Between Different Existing Methods Used To Separate Epidermal Cells From Skin Biopsies For Autologous Transplantation. Indian J Dermatol. 56(6): 666-9.

34)  Mohsen Khosravi Maharlooei, Mansooreh Bagheri, Zhabiz Solhjou, Behnam Moein Jahromi, Majid Akrami, Lili Rohani, Ahmad Monabati, Ali Noorafshan, Gholamhosin Ranjbar Omrani. (2011) The effect of adipose tissue derived mesenchymal stem cells (ADMSCs) on wound healing of diabetic rat model. Diabetes Res Clin Pract, 93; 228–234.

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36)  Mohsen Khosravi Maharlooei, Payam Peymani, Armin Attar and Mansoureh Jaberipour. (2009) Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus type1 by Increasing HLA-G Expression with Polymeric Nanoparticles Using Gene therapy (a hypothesis). Irn J Med Hypotheses Ideas. 3:31.

37)  Mohsen Khosravi Maharlooei, Armin Attar, Amita Goran, Seddigheh Amuee, Arman Dehghan, Ahmad Monabati. (2009) Hydatid Cyst of Ovary: A Case Report. IJMS, 34(1), 76-79.


1)    Khosravi-Maharlooei M, et al. Generating Stem Cell-Derived Thymic Epithelial Cells to Create a Functional Thymic Organoid in Humanized Mice (Under review).

2)    Khosravi-Maharlooei M, et al. Generation of Human/Pig Hybrid Thymus to Achieve Immune Tolerance to Pig Antigens with Optimal Immune Function. (Under preparation for submission).

3)    Khosravi-Maharlooei M, et al. Role of the thymus in spontaneous development of a multi-organ autoimmune disease in human immune system mice. (Under review).

4)    Khosravi-Maharlooei M, et al. Role of TCR/MHC interaction and IL-7 signaling in lymphopenia-induced proliferation of T cells in humanized mice (Under preparation for submission).

5) Khosravi-Maharlooei M, et al. Expansion of follicular helper T cell subset drives B cell class-switching in humanized mice with a multi-organ autoimmune disease (Under preparation for submission).