Hi I’m Mohsen Khosravi-Maharlooei, M.D., M.Sc.

Welcome to my personal page

I'm an Associate Research Scientist at Columbia University, New York. My field of research is "immune tolerance" and I work on basic and translational researches in the fields of autoimmunity, transplantation and cancer. I believe in multi-disciplinary works to address the challenges in the world that we are living in. Therefore, I look forward to connecting with you in order to exchange ideas and brainstorm about the challenges and hopefully start collaborative works.


Currently, I run different projects aiming at induction of immune tolerance to porcine antigens in xeno-transplantation, identifying the pathophysiology of type 1 diabetes, improving humanized mice models and understanding the factors involved in the selection of human T cells in the thymus. Recently, I have started a line of research aimed at engineering T cells and regulatory T cells for treatment of cancer and autoimmunity.

To learn more about my past experiences visit:

Education and Training:



Feel free to contact me with your questions.


650 W 168th st., BB1511, New York, NY, US 10032